True World History, Genesis 2 : Nerses David Tavit
How and why God created Adam and Eve. What is the only purpose of our lives.
True World History, Genesis 1
Great Commission, Part 4
Jesus is sending out the 72 disciples. Luke 10
Great Commission, Part 3
Great Commission, Part 2
The least in God’s Kingdom is greater than anyone in the Old Testament
Great Commission, Part 1
Old Testament Jesus leading the people into the promised land
How to be Reborn into God’s Kingdom
John the Baptist preached repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of sins, a summary of Jesus’ ministry. In order to be saved, a believer must 1. repent of all sin (changing one’s life and mind) 2. must be baptized with water for the forgiveness of sins. If either of these is left undone, a person […]
How to get Faith and Grow it
How did followers of Jesus acquire faith? How did their faith become so strong that they were willing to die for it? Mark 4:35-41 Mark 6:45-51 Matthew 14:22-33 James 1:2 1Peter1:6-8
Earthly Greatness vs. Heavenly Greatness
How does God see greatness? What does it mean to be great in the eyes of our Father, Jesus, and among the heavenly hosts? Mark 10:35-45 Rev 5